
Cultivating Connection: Aboriginal Plant Use and Native Plant Propagation Workshop

A keen group recently came together for a unique and enriching experience - the Aboriginal Plant Use and Native Plant Propagation Workshop hosted by Yass Landcare. With workshops from Aaron Chatfield of Dreamtime Connections and Blake Cannakle, native plant propagation expert, this event aimed to foster a deeper connection with the land and its indigenous plant heritage while also promoting awareness of our native plant resources.

Aaron Chatfield a Gamilaroi Man with deep connections to Ngunawal people and Country, led the group through an insightful journey into the world of native plants. Participants learned about a vast array of edible and medicinal plants that have been a part of Aboriginal culture for generations. Some of the featured species included the native raspberry (Rubus Parvifolius), native mint (Prostanthera lasinathos), and the Bulnie Lily (Bulbine bulbosa). These plants have not only served as nourishment but also as traditional remedies for various ailments.


The workshop delved into the fascinating practice of using plants in hunting, an essential skill for indigenous communities. Participants discovered how plants like the Austral Indigo (Indigofera Australis) were used for fishing and how the sound of the blowing through the Lomandra grass could be utilised to "whistle up" snakes. Weaving techniques using native grasses and tree sedges, like the Red Stringy Bark (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha), were explored, showcasing the ingenuity of Aboriginal people.



To further immerse themselves in Aboriginal culture, participants had the chance to familiarise themselves with traditional tools such as the boomerang, woomera, spears and bundi sticks. These tools have various, and some unexpected uses in hunting and gathering and showed the remarkable innovation of Australia's indigenous peoples.


Of course, no workshop is complete without a shared meal. Participants enjoyed morning tea with freshly baked wattle seed biscuits and peppermint and raseberry tea, which provided a delicious and culturally rich experience.


In addition to the cultural aspect of the workshop, Blake Cannakle took the lead in teaching the group about the biology of soil and the critical role it plays in plant propagation. Participants got their hands dirty as they were introduced to various propagation techniques, including smoke treatment, scarification, surface sowing, lightly covered sowing, heat treatment, and cutting. Drawing on our surroundings participants were encouraged to wandering through the native plant gardens where they were shown the best way to take cutting for propagation.  This hands-on experience was invaluable in understanding the intricacies of nurturing native plants.




As the workshop came to a close, everyone left with a tray of six different native plants, ready to be cared for and grown at home. This tangible connection to the land and its indigenous heritage will continue to foster appreciation for Australia's unique flora and the significance of preserving Aboriginal knowledge and practices.


The Yass Landcare Aboriginal Plant Use and Native Plant Propagation Workshop provided participants with a holistic experience that combined cultural enrichment, ecological education, and hands-on learning. It emphasised the importance of understanding and preserving indigenous practices and maintaining a strong connection with the land. In doing so, it echoed the principles of sustainability, biodiversity, and respect for the earth—a message that resonated deeply with all those who attended.



The workshop is funded under the “Working Together” Program which aims to increase opportunities to consciously develop stronger connections and partnerships between Landcare groups and Aboriginal Communities.

The “Working Together” Aboriginal Communities Engagement Program is an initiative made possible by the NSW Landcare Program. A collaboration of Local Land Services NSW and Landcare NSW Inc. supported by the NSW Government.


Inspirational Soils For Life Summit

For more than a decade, Soils for Life's case studies have inspired farmers around Australia and the world to become better stewards of the land and the soil. Recently Soils for Life hosted a summit at Cavan Station near Yass and attended by over 50 inspirational farmers and the organisations that support them.  


Alison Elvin spoke to this amazing group about the projects that the Yass Area Network of Landcare groups is undertaking such as the Climate Ready plantings project, Habitat Hops, our nurseries and how our volunteer lead Landcare groups continue to work with and support landholders to help them care for their soils and land. 

You can read some of the stories of the Soils for Life farmers case studies here. 


Smoking to increase germination

Volunteers at the Yass Landcare Community Nursery recently exposed some of our Climate Ready seed to smoke to assist germination.

The process was quite simple and resulted in smoked seed, smoked vermiculite and perlite and smoked water. All of these products will be used in the sowing process which commences in October.






If you are interested to learn how to sow and manage the germination of native seed the Yass Landcare Community Nursery is having a number of sowing days during October and November. October dates include:

Saturday 7 October One hour plant sale and sowing workshop

Saturday 14 October Sowing Climate Ready seed - on this day we will also be hosting some Boorowa Landcare volunteers who are interested in our nursery practices.

Wednesday 18 October more sowing of climate ready seed

Tuesday 24 October more sowing of climate ready seed

If you require more information email Kath at [email protected]

How to Fit Millions of Trees in a Box

A small nursery team kicked off this year’s Climate Ready Revegetation growing season. The group put together the seed mixes which be grown into thousands of plants, grasses and trees in five nurseries across the region. These plants will end up being a part of various projects aimed at increasing habitat connectivity, providing shelter for livestock, habitat for native animal and increase the vegetative biodiversity across the region.  


The climate ready seed is a selection of species which are expected to thrive in both the current climate in the Yass valley region as well as expected hotter climates (hotter wetter or hotter drier).

The seed is sourced from a number of different locations (provenance) including locally sourced seed which is mixed together to provide genetic diversity and potential adaptability in different climatic conditions. Geographic spread of the seed ranges from northern NSW through into Victoria. The Climate Ready Revegetation project has 40 species which will be grown this year and each species has an average of five provenance in each mix.


All of this seed is germination tested by volunteers prior to being allocated to the nurseries to ensure seed viability and the best chance of growing them successfully. The seed will go on to be treated as needed. Some seeds benefit from being watered in with smoke water, acacia seeds are often scarified (shaken in a jar with sand paper ) and then  treated with hot water overnight before sowing;  other seeds need to be kept in the fridge before sowing; some seeds benefit from sowing during Spring and Summer while others need to be sown in Autumn.

If you’d like to get involved get in touch with your local Landcare group and see any volunteer opportunities they may have coming up.


Curious to know what each of the seeds in this picture will grow into? Answer below . . .


Top Left: Acacia melanoxolon - Blackwood Wattle

Top Centre: Allocasuarina littoralis - Black Sheoak

Top Right: Eucalyptus melliodora - Yellow Box

Middle Left: Brachychiton poptneus - Kurrajong

Middle Centre: Cassinia longifolia - shiny Cassinia

Middle Right: Dodoncea viscosa - narrow leafed hop bush

Bottom Right: Daviesia mimosoides - narrow leaf bitter pea

Bottom Centre: Calistemon sieberi - river bottle brush

Bottom Right: Hardenbergia Voliencia - purple coral pea or sarsaparilla


Written by Sarah McGrath, YAN Coordinator



This project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust. Landcare Australia Michael King grants enable us to purchase seed from diverse provenances.

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