
Bowning Bookham Landcare: Community Planting Day - Glendale Bookham

A stellar group of volunteers got together to plant hundreds of plants across three sites in the hills above the Murrumbidgee River. 


GlendalePlanting 1   GlendalePlanting 2

These plants are a part of our habitat linkages project, Habitat Hops aiming to protect and create habitat linkages between the Burrinjuck and Bango reserves. This property,  which is adjoining Burrinjuck Reserve, is an important first hop providing areas of shelter for wildlife, insects and livestock. 


GlendalePlanting 4   GlendalePlanting 5

All of the plants that went in the ground were grown in our nurseries by volunteers using plants and seed from the our Climate Ready Revegetation project which aims aims to deliver plants which have the tolerances and genetic diversity to deal with future changes in climatic conditions expected in our district. 


GlendalePlanting 3   GlendalePlanting 9   

A massive thank you to all of the volunteers that have contributed not only to planting on the day, but to the seed selection, growing, maintenance and monitoring of these plants. Your efforts are truly seen, recognised and making an impact.


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Writen by Sarah McGrath, YAN & Bowning Bookham Landcare Local Coordinator



The Bowning Bookham Landcare Habitat Hops Project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.


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