Yass Landcare Group

Yass Landcare Group

Yass Landcare Group has a diverse membership including broad acre farmers, hobby farmers and townsfolk – everyone with an interest in protecting and improving our environment.

Our aims are to:

  • Contribute to the environmental sustainability of the Yass Valley
  • Maintain and expand biodiversity
  • Improved the quality of water flowing through our landscape
  • Build resilience in the face of climate change
  • Promote sustainable and production farming
  • Help all our community to enjoy the special environment of the Yass region

The group offers many opportunities for our members:

  • opportunities to learn about the local environment and how to nurture our native plants and animals
  • benefit from funding for projects on your land that contribute to biodiversity and to sustainable agricultural production
  • participate in activities that can enhance our local community and environment

For more information about our projects and events, please check out our page on the Landcare NSW Gateway.

Yass Landcare Nursery


The Yass Landcare Nursery is located behind the Yass Men’s Shed, at 1428 Yass Valley Way.

The nursery is open on the second Saturday of each month and the last Tuesday of each month from 9am to 12 noon. If you would like to participate in a nursery activity please come along or email Jan Grubb for more information.


Yass Landcare Group welcomes all members.
To join or renew your membership please complete the form below and return this by email to Kath McGuirk [email protected]

Yass Landcare Group Membership Form

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