At the end of September the Canberra Ornithical Group (COG) visited the McGuirk property at Kangiara on Lachlan Valley Way. Fourteen keen birders arrived at 8am and started listening to the sounds of resident and migrating birds. Over the 4 hour visit 49 bird species were identified plus their specific numbers across the property. Some of the more interesting bird sightings included:
Australian Wood Ducks: 15
Superb Parrots: 3 only sighted at the end of the day near the homestead
Superb Fairywren: 10
Red Wattlebird: 5
Australian Reed Warble: 12
Grey Fantail: 25
WedgeTailed Eagle: family of 4 where the pair of eagles had a nest of two young.
The complete listing of birds sighted at this event plus a prior scouting day is provided in the table below. This bird count information will be entered into the Atlas of Living Australia so that bird numbers over time can be monitored to determine if the significant native plantings undertaken by the McGuirks on their property at Kangiara are having an impact on resident or migratory bird numbers.