
Major milestone: 2020 'Climate Ready' seed now sown

Three Landcare nurseries within the Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups (YAN) completed sowing of local, and what we call 'admixture' seed - seed that is from hotter-drier and cooler-wetter regions during October 2020. This is a major milestone of YAN's Climate Ready Project.

The Climate Ready sowing consisted of Eucalyptus melliodora (Yellow Box), Acacia deanei  (Green wattle) and Dodonea viscosa (Hop bush). All seed was purchased from the Greening Australia seed collecting network. The 'local' seed was sourced from localities including Captains Flat, Cotter, Weston Creek, Boorowa, Bookham and Yass. The admixture seed came from regions within western NSW and Qld and Vic - some localities included Lithgow, Coonabarabran, Holbrook, Urana, Henty, Tomingley, Elginvale, Mathoura, and Moree. Further detail on this project can be found here.






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