
Sowing climate ready seed at Wattle Valley

A small group of volunteers assisted the Wattle Valley nursery manager sow 2000 tubes of native climate ready seed. Wattle Valley was responsible for sowing Dodonaea viscosa (Hop Bush) which was sourced by Greening Australia and their regional seed collecting network. The Yass Area Network (YAN) Climate Ready trial required locally sourced seed and seed from hotter drier and colder wetter regions. Local provenances included Mt Stomlo, Weston Creek and Pierces Creek ACT. Seed from hotter drier regions and colder wetter regions was obtained from Hattah-Colyeambully, Wodonga, Urana, Bobundara and Ironmungy.

When grown, this seed will be planted at two trial sites one in Murrumbateman and the second at Kangiara.  Further detail on the YAN Climate Ready project can be found at this link.



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