
Bowning - Bookham Climate Ready Revegetation Workshop

Kath McGuirk and Elizabeth Goodfellow have just confirmed arrangements for a conversation with Nola Hancock from Macquarie Uni at our August 16th meeting.

Nola will talk with us about our options for selecting and sourcing climate-adaptive plants for our area. The idea of this is to source seed smartly so that all these plants we add to our properties are likely to survive the climate shifts that Steven Crimp talked about last month and do so for a long time to come. Nola was part of the team that developed the climate-ready vegetation guide that you can access here:

We’re also going to have a Nursery Planning Day with Nola Hancock and Linda Broadhurst on Fri 17th August to figure out an action plan for how we get the mix of seed/plants that we talk about at the meeting on Thursday night.  That’ll be 10am to 4pm so put it in your diary if you’re interested and let Kath McGuirk at [email protected] if you would like to attend.  This event will be added to face-book as well.


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