
Climate Ready Revegetation (CRR) Project Team Inspires Future Leaders in Climate Adaptation

Recently, the CRR project team (Sue McIntyre, Sonya Duus & Gill Hall) had the exciting opportunity to present their work at the Australian National University, invited by Professor Jamie Pittock of the Fenner School. The team was invited to speak to a class of Masters students in the "Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation" course, focusing on how down-scaled climate projections can help address the impact of climate change on native plants.


 CRR UniSue


Sue kicked off the session with an insightful presentation on the science behind climate change and its effects on biodiversity, setting the stage for Sonya to dive into the specifics of the CRR project. The students were introduced to the project’s innovative approach to using data to safeguard native species.


CRR Sonya1   CRR UniSonya2


Following the presentations, Gill and Sonya guided the students through a series of practical exercises, both face-to-face and online. These activities introduced students to publicly accessible tools such as My Climate ViewAtlas of Living AustraliaClimate Analogue ExplorerRestore and RenewWhich Plant Where, and NSWNicheFinder). The practical exercises were designed to help students explore climate impacts and potential adaptive strategies using real-world data.


CRR Uni Presentation


The engagement level was excellent, with students asking thoughtful questions and providing positive feedback. It was a great opportunity to share the tools and techniques developed by the CRR team, and we’re hopeful these future leaders will apply some of these strategies in their own climate resilience work across the globe.


This experience highlighted the value of collaboration and knowledge sharing in tackling the global challenge of climate change. We look forward to more opportunities to connect with emerging leaders and share the impactful work being done by the CRR project.


Written by Sonya Duus, Climate Ready Revegetation Project Officer & Sarah McGrath, YAN Coordinator


The Climate Ready Revegetation Project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust. Landcare Australia Michael King grants enable us to purchase seed from diverse provenances.


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