
Bowning Bookham & Yass Landcare: Spring Wildflower Walk

The Bowning Bookham & Yass Landcare group enjoyed a lovely spring day taking a guided walk by Alison Elvin to see the wildflowers that show themselves at this time of the year.


From the tiny Fairy Aprons (Tricularia dichotoma), rare Yass River Daisy (Ammobium craspedioides), delicate Fringe Lillies (Thysanotus tuberosus) and cheerful Milk Maid (Urchardia umbellata) there was plenty to see on this short walk.


After an explore along the Washpen Creek the group had a picnic lunch to also celebrate Nature NSW Picnic for Nature day. Alison insights into the abundance of native plants, grasses and forbs is always a highlight on these days and this walk was no exception.


Some of what the group took away from the day

  • Identifying many unique plants
  • Ways to manage this type of vegetation to encourage the proliferation of desirable plants and minimise weeds
  • Great discussion around what is special about these areas
  • How you can start or manage a revegetation project on your own place through our Habitat Hops project.

A great day to be out to enjoy this special area.



Writen by Sarah McGrath, YAN Local Coordinator




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