
Bowning Bookham Landcare on Farms | Zero Kill Planting Field Day | 29 Apr 2023

What a fantastic day we had at the Landcare Zero Kill planting field day! Our Landcare on Farms group enjoyed seeing first hand a seeder that had been converted to plant with minimal soil disturbance, directly into existing vegetation under most conditions. The group checked out the fodder oat crop that had been sown in February and had a solid discussion on all things pasture, winter feed deficit balancing, soil health, pasture and grazing management.

What was learnt
- Vegetation and biodiversity can be maintained whilst still growing a winter fodder crop
- The potential cost savings
- An alternative which can help maintain native grasses in pastures
- the benefits of being able to plant into paddocks which still have ground cover (stands of thistles etc)
- discussions around the season and plant succession
The event was a wonderful opportunity to learn, be inspired and connect with like minded individuals.


The Bowning Bookham Landcare group invites farmers and graziers in the district to join the Landcare on Farms group. This is an active and passionate group of farmers who is working and learning together to better their farm businesses, the properties that they run and the landscape as a whole.
The group meets regularly throughout the year with farm walks and other formal activities and training. The group aims to share ideas, help members plan and manage the upcoming season and provide peer support in decision making and problem solving.

This program is supported by South East Local Land Services though funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program


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