
South East Landcare Muster

YAN is a member of the greater South East NSW Landcare region. It is great being part of a greater region and being able to listen to other Landcare projects at the 2023 Landcare muster. Some of the presentations included:

- Caring for Southern Pygmy Perch (Gunning)

- Superb Parrot case study (Upper Lachlan)

- Supporting endangered frogs and reptiles (Shoalhaven)

- Moving to make our paddocks ready for a changing climate (YAN)

- Partnerships for Koala Conservation across the SE (NSW Koala Strategy)

- Araluen Creek Restoration (Upper Deua Catchment)

- Can I get paid to plant trees? (Greening Australia)

- Strategies Workshop NSW Farmers and Boorowa

- Illawarra Intrepid Landcare

- Walbunja Rangers (Bateman's Bay LALC)

- Grasping Grazing groups (Upper Lachlan & Boorowa)

- Saving our Creek (Upper Shoalhaven)

- Regional Circularity Cooperative (Bega)

- Local Land Stewards (LLS)

- This goes with that Symbiotic Agriculture (Goulburn Mulwaree)

- Supporting Habitat Connectivity in Upper Lachlan

- BCT - Landcare Partnership (Biodiversity Conservation Trust)

- The way it was Restoring Shoalhaven Flood Plain (LLS)

- Living Landscapes (Bundanon Trust and Landcare Aus)

- Totally Cray Cray (LLS)


It is great to share and care for our Landscape


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