There is an Australia wide shortage of weld mesh this year due to the Australian and world wide events that we are all aware of - so Jeremy Wilson sent the following email to our weldmesh supplier to explain why we have an urgent need for this vital component of the 2022 Paddock Tree project.
“We talked about our need for this mesh and I wonder if it will help if your supplier appreciates why we are so keen to get this mesh.
Our Landcare Groups in Yass and Gunning need this mesh urgently as the trees must be planted this Autumn, in April. Autumn planting is essential as our research has shown the seedlings establish good root systems during Autumn and Winter which enables them to withstand the impact of Summer - we know that many seedlings planted in Spring don’t develop a strong enough root system to survive the summer and those that do survive really struggle and often fail to thrive. A good beginning is essential as these trees are planted to last 3 - 400 years.
And they won’t survive without really tough tree guard mesh. These trees are planted out in the paddock and must be protected from cattle, horses and sheep for their first 3 - 4 years of life. The mesh is then re-used for a further 10 to 12 years on new paddock trees.
You might wonder why we plant trees in the paddock - we plant them about 30 metres apart so they act as “Stepping stones” for wildlife moving from existing vegetation out into the paddock. These trees provide protection for small vulnerable birds, insects, micro-bats and pozzies for parrots and possums. After about 100 years the trees drop branches which provide the hollows essential for parrots to breed in. The trees also provide shade for livestock which is becoming critically important as Summers become longer and hotter. We expect the trees will have at least a 300 years life. The attached flier gives more information on the project.
So when you plant your paddock tree this season think of the behind scenes work that has been undertaken not only to grow a healthy Eucalyptus tree to plant, plus the work to consolidate the planting package of weed guard etc plus the vital weld mesh sheep or cattle tree guard, that you as a participating landholder are only co-funding. Below are photos of the first Paddock Tree planted in this project three years ago – the second photos shows what that tree could grow into in a 100 years … happy planting.