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Climate Ready Revegetation Project

The CRR Project I Further CRR Information I Contact Us


The Climate Ready Revegetation (CRR) Project aims to enhance the genetic diversity of selected native plant species. This is based on the understanding that increased genetic diversity is likely to help species adapt to climate change through natural selection over generations. The project emerged from a 2018 workshop hosted by Bowning Bookham Landcare’s Habitat Hops project that considered how to ensure that revegetation plantings survive into the future as the local climate changes. Since then the project has:



The project has been undertaken by a small team of predominantly volunteers, from across the Yass Area Network Landcare groups as well as our Local Landcare Coordinator. The CRR project has been supported with seed funding for materials from the NSW Government and Michael King Grant Program and with advice from Dr Sue McIntyre, Dr Nola Hancock, Dr Linda Broadhurst (co-authors of the Climate Ready Vegetation Guide, see further information), Mrs Jacqui Stol and the AdaptNSW Team.


Refer to the further information page for more detail about the project and other useful references or contact us if you’d like to discuss the project, offer support to continue this work (we always need more seed for the nurseries, funding, resources and volunteers), seek advice, or request a guest speaker to share our learning and experience. 
