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From Little Things: Thank you Michael King Landcare Australia Nursery support program

Yass Area Network has been successful in the last couple of years to win a Michael King Grant from Landcare Australia to purchase native seed for the 40 specific plant species which form the basis of our Climate Ready plant list.


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Our Climate Ready seed sourcing team attempts to procure native seed from 6 bio-regions for each of the 40 plants on our Climate Ready list. This results in nearly 240 seed purchases between 25 and 50grams each. Each seed packet is subject to germination testing and only seed which germinates is included in the seed mix distributed to our Landcare volunteer nurseries within our Yass region.


So from a sometimes very small Eucalyptus seed; which is tested for viability; seed for each plant, from up to 6 bio-regions is mixed together, then split into seed lots for our Landcare nurseries. Each nursery then sows the seed in September to January, waters, weeds, thins and then hardens off plants before distribution.


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So next time you visit one of our Yass regional Landcare nurseries in Murrumbateman, Yass and Bowning-Bookham appreciate the effort undertaken by volunteers to create that plant which we hope you plant, water and protect with a guard in your paddock or garden.

From small things large things can grow.


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Thankyou to the Michael King Landcare Australia Nursery support program which enables us to be very specific in our Climate Ready native seed procurement requirements.


Writen by Kath McGurik, YAN Volunteer Chair & Sarah McGrath, YAN Local Coordinator
