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YAN: Fire Ready Plants and Landscape Design Workshop

Keen locals came together to learn to be proactive about fire preparation with the Fire Ready Workshop in Yass. Preparing for fire through landscape design, plant selection and other ways to prepare yourself and your environment to be better prepared for fire.
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Clayton Jones of the Manton Rural Fire Brigade took the group through the key decision in a fire plan which is the decision to ‘stay or go’. He talked through the details to consider behind that decision. Including, preparedness and wiliness to fight the fire, preparing your home to protect against ember attack, allowing access for trucks and water points for any tankers attending, personal protection and how best to defend your home. His wealth of experience and personal stories from around the area gave real context to the discussions had.
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Jeff Dau, a consulting bush fire practitioner took the group through the planning and design aspects of setting up or modifying gardens and areas around the house to be more prepared for fire. From creating clear open spaces, reducing shrubs under trees and how simple changes in landscaping choices such as gravel rather than organic mulch can make a difference in reducing the risk of fire damage. Through the use of real world and local examples it was easy to see what changes could be made to better prepare.
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Alison Elvin, ecologist, and president of Yass Landcare then added the final layer to the discussion being that of plant selection. Showing and talking to the group about the various types of low flammability plants, what features contribute to flammability and how you can assess plants at home for their potential flammability.
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Thanks to everyone who attended and shared their experiences and knowledge. I think everyone left feeling a little more confident to make their property more fire ready.
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Writen by Sarah McGrath, YAN Local Coordinator
Landcare NSW’s People Led Prevention project empowers communities across regional NSW in developing disaster resilience and preparedness skills. Jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments