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The Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups

Our mission is to facilitate the development of Landcare in the region and represent regional
Landcare with regional, Government and private industry stakeholders.

About Us

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The Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups (YAN)

Landcare is a national community-based movement driven by volunteers around Australia who are working to improve their local environment.
Landcare activities are diverse, and include things such as: creating more productive and sustainable farms, improving water quality, addressing erosion and salinity problems, improving biodiversity and soil health, addressing the loss of Australian wildlife, and adapting to the effects of climate change through the native plants grown across our Landcare plant nurseries.

Within the Yass area there are five active Landcare groups. All maintain an active program and welcome new members.

The Landcare Group members of YAN are:
In addition, YAN maintains a close relationship with neighbouring Landcare groups and networks.  
YAN sponsors group and regional Landcare awards - one of which is the John Betts Award.

With respect and gratitude, we acknowledge the First Nations Peoples of Australia, the oldest surviving culture on Earth - Traditional Custodians living on Country for tens of thousands of years, profoundly connected to the waterways, skies and land upon which we live and learn today. We pay our deepest respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and strive to stand together into our shared future.

From the Blog

Announcing the 2025 John Betts Landcare Award Recipient: Sue McIntyre
20 March 2025

The Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups (YAN) is proud to announce that Sue McIntyre, a local landowner and Vice-President of Murrumbateman Landcare Group (MLG), has been awarded the 2025 ...

Local vs. Non-Local Seed: What Our Trial is Revealing
10 March 2025

Growing plants from seed sourced from a wide range of provenances is a key strategy in YAN’s Climate Ready Revegetation project. A common question we hear is: Will plants grown from seed

Autumn Action at Yass Gorge: Weed Control and Fish Stocking
05 March 2025

The Friends of Yass Gorge have been hard at work this autumn, tackling weeds and helping to maintain the health of this unique and important natural space.


The Yass Gorge


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